The reasons people come to counselling varies as people themselves. Many clients encounter distressing or stressful experiences and would like to express their emotions in a safe and confidential environment. These might include present circumstances of bereavement, separation, or other major life transitions, or experiences from the past, such as in childhood. Others seek help in dealing with specific psychological or behavioural issues, such as compulsive thoughts or difficulties relating to people. Some people seek counselling to help them explore a general feeling that they are unable to cope such as depression or phobia. Some would like to explore who they are and create a meaningful life. Many people are attracted to counselling as an opportunity to undertake personal growth and development with a trained, professional therapist and receive guidance and support.
Help you sort out and untangle your feelings and worries, Help you work out your own solutions to problems.

You may be experiencing painful symptoms and issues and find it difficult to tell someone we are here to listen to you. It is our role to listen, guide and support you with any issue you may be facing in your lifestyle. Listening to your issues will give us a better understanding of your current lifestyle and also a professional assessment. We believe that each and every person should have a chance to receive counseling to enhance the quality of life for themselves, families, communities, societies and the world at large.

There are several advantages to talking to a counsellor who is outside your immediate circle of family and friends :
You will not have to worry about upsetting them
They will not judge you or what you have done
You may find it easier to sort out and talk about your deepest feelings
Everything you say will be confidential. Your counsellor won't tell anyone else
They will not say what they think you want to hear!
By counselling, we mean talking to someone who is properly trained to give counselling and is supervised. You would have an appointment to see a therapsit or counsellor for an hour at a regular time every week. You have a weekly session for either a set period of time (often 6 or 8 weeks) or for as long as you and your counsellor agree. Your counsellor will try to
Listen properly to what you are saying
Not interrupt you
Help you sort out and untangle your feelings and worries
Provide you with insight into how you really think and feel
Help you express your emotions in your own way
Help you work out your own solutions to problems
Help you accept what cannot be changed
Help and support you while you do all this
  So give us a call and allow us to make a difference in your life today.
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